Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 18 Thursday May 23: Jacob Lake AZ – Bryce Canyon UT  

This being a short travel day, we decided to add a beer run. The proprietor of the liquor store in Page AZ told us about the Wasatch Brewery in Utah and named 2 varieties we had to try. Unfortunately, he was having trouble with the distributor and didn’t have in, but suggested we try a package store near Pipe Springs AZ. Note: Being a Mormon state, you can’t buy much beer in Utah and then only 3.2% alcohol content.

Ever aspiring to “be prepared,” I made great use of my iphone5 and located 3 possible establishments on route in Fredonia AZ. We called ahead and had luck at Judd’s Automotive Service.  Their slogan: “Lotto * Guns * Ammo * Beer”: all undoubtedly staples in this part of the country.

The Wasatch Brewery really does outstanding package marketing (+ @ 6% alcohol content). We left with a supply of Polygamy Porter (why have just one!); its label features a bearded man surrounded by several women, all in a state of classic Greek statue-style undress:

We also selected their Devastator Double Rock Lager and Ghostrider White India Pale Ale: Another cool label with cowboy on pale horse against desert backdrop and description: “Legend has it the Ghostrider roams the high desert seeking revenge on those who stole his recipe for the perfect IPA… we might be in trouble.”  

All in all, one of our best beer runs ever; even the store manager wants to come to the beer party!

Again, we experienced another day with major terrain changes. Our campsite at Jacob Lake had an elevation of 7925 feet in a dense Ponderosa Pine forest. Descending the mountain on a 6% grade most of the way we reached an altitude of 5902 feet at the base; a descent of 2000+ feet in about 500 yards of travel, Tom estimates. The altitude at Fredonia is 4683 feet, back in Arizona red rock.

As we crossed over into Utah, the terrain change continued. Green grass appeared:

Then forested hills:

And lovely river valleys:

I can see why the early Mormon settlers were so taken with this land.

Then back to the scrub brush, sage and red hills of the Bryce Canyon area:


Oh no!! Will we fit through the tunnel??


We did, and arrived at the Bryce Canyon Pines RV Park, got settled in and prepared for our big Bryce Canyon ATV Wildlife Adventure scheduled for 9AM Friday morning!

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