Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 6 Saturday May 11: Ghost Ranch NM Labyrinth and More Incredible Scenery

When I looked at the Ghost Ranch map, I noticed the Labyrinth and immediately had to check it out. Designed with a purpose of prayerful meditation, the labyrinth is considered a path to the center of the soul. While the path is the same for all who walk it, the experience is highly personal and individual.

This day, I walked with the intent of slowing down, being and not doing, observing and cherishing the present moment with each step.
I also “brought along” many friends and sent them
healing energy and peace.

The way back to Santa Fe passed through the lovely Chama River valley and breathtaking red cliffs:

After I returned from this most enriching day, Thomas, refreshed after a much needed rest day, took me to dinner for Mother’s Day at The Shed, one of Santa Fe’s most popular local Old Town restaurants. We both chose the grilled shrimp entrée and I had to try the red pomegranate margaritas, a house specialty – good choice. As we strolled past the Cathedral after our meal we both agreed this was a most fitting ending to our time in this charming city.

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